Tanganyika Arms


Dear Customers, in Moshi we provide good and secure indoor shooting range for pistols. Please visit the area to have shooting practice in our indoor range guided by professional shooter.

About the Author
We are proud to sale one of the top brands in gun industry in the world such as Beretta, Ceska Zbrojovka, Taurus, Glock, Bersa, Tisas, Canik 55, Mavericks, Mossberg, Baikal, Khanshotguns, Armsan, Sellier & Bellot, Highland, PPU, Norma, Federal, PMP, Uncle Mike’s, Howa, Nikko-Stirling, Meopta, Sabrered, Lynx' Telescopes, Ballistol, Tetra, Kleenbore, Hoppe's, Muela, Camillus, Joker, Lasermax, Kevin, Yavascalar, Alpen, Cudeman, Emmebi, Garrett. Other brand: Mzinga ammunition from Tanzania.
  1. Natalie Reply

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    • Tanganyika Arms Reply

      Hi Natalie,
      Thank you for your comment, we will work on it.

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